Here Is Why You May Be Struggling With Your Fitness Journey

          I feel like I always have some fitness goal I am trying to achieve. Some years I want to reach a certain goal weight. Other years I want to tone more. Sometimes I don’t want to be working towards any fitness goals and I just want to do what I want. If you struggle with meeting your fitness goals, you are not the only one, I have several struggles that pop up while I am trying to be my best most fit self. I want to share what my struggles are and how I work against them to be successful.

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How To Keep Your Body Strong So You Don't Flop

If you’ve never taken a pole dance class before and aren’t active, you might find yourself sore after your first class. That is because pole dance uses muscles in ways that we don’t use on a regular basis. Your upper body and core especially might be particularly sore after your first class and what you experience is completely normal. Even people who exercise on a regular basis are sometimes sore after a pole dance class. I wish I could tell you this soreness goes away but it doesn’t, other parts of your body just start to hurt instead as you learn new moves. What I am going to tell you is how to get your muscles and bones prepared for pole dance.

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You'll Never View The Art of Pole Dance The Same Way Again

Once or twice a year, the pole dance industry gets into an argument about where pole dance came from and if it is a legitimate sport. There are some in the industry who are trying to get pole dance in the Olympics and pole dancers constantly fight negativity on the Internet which affects how pole dance is perceived. Changing the perception of pole dance is not an easy thing to do. Because of the treatment of women in this country and pole dance’s influence from the sex industry, unfortunately there might be a negative perception of it for a very long time, however change can start. If people understood and can articulate how awesome pole dance is for women and men then maybe we can move away from the stigma of it. 

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8 Reasons You Should Exercise At Home Instead Of The Gym

There are a lot of reasons why people have to work out at home. These reasons include pricey gym memberships, too many family commitments, and just don’t have the time to get to the gym. Working out at home definitely has its benefits (say goodbye to creepy guys!) and if you’ve been a member of a gym before it can take some getting used to. Let’s talk about some benefits and tips for working out at home.

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